Call for Stories: Solarpunk Conflicts

Now published by Sad Ghost Ink - no other changes to call for stories

Publication format: Anthology

Editor: W Kees Schuller

Solarpunk is optimistic. Solarpunk is hopeful. Solarpunk is about change and unity. Solarpunks seem to agree on these points. But what are the points of conflict within solarpunk? When do solarpunks disagree, and why? Is solarpunk a monolith, is it fractured and disparate, or is it somewhere in between? What spaces of tension exist within both genre and community that can flare to sudden flame at the right (or wrong) provocation? And, what do these conflicts look like in a solarpunk world?

This anthology is about these conflicts. Stories should explore a solarpunk conflict, either one manufactured entirely for the story, or one based in a real-world point of contention you feel currently divides solarpunks, or that has done so in the past. Conflicts can be as small or as grand as you would like, though the story as a whole should be legibly solarpunk and should not champion a non-solarpunk ethos.

I also invite stories that speak to perceived gaps in the solarpunk canon - for example, there has been commentary before on how solarpunk is close to afrofuturism in aspect and some goals, but has very little overlap. While there are some stories that do address that missing overlap, there is, of course, room for more.

Some example points of conflict are listed below, though please do not feel restricted to these possibilities!

  • Is techno-solutionism the way forwards, or do we need to eschew modern technology in favour of other approaches?

  • Is it solarpunk to punch Nazis, or is non-violence the only acceptable path? (related: Can it be solarpunk to not punch Nazis, or is failing to resist by violent means anti-solarpunk?)

  • Could it ever be solarpunk to colonize other planets, or is any project that could lead to settler ideologies doomed to shatter any solarpunk endeavour?

  • Do transhumanist ideas have a place in solarpunk, or is transhumanism’s often “cure-focused” rhetoric inherently ableist, eugenicist, and anti-solarpunk?

As the editor of this collection, I am looking for stories that fit a solarpunk ethos, even as they re-examine, push, or challenge some of its assumptions. A solarpunk ethos, in my mind, rejects all forms of oppression (systemic, political, and individual), including but not limited to bigotry, racism, sexism, ableism, and fascism. That is not to say that characters or worlds cannot have flaws - however, the narration should not serve to condone forms of oppression. Stories that encourage, promote, or perpetuate these forms of oppression may be included with major revisions, or may be rejected on those grounds without further commentary.

Submission Details

Word count: I am ideally looking for stories in the 2500–8500 word range, though this range is flexible. Poetry is also welcome, though poems should be no longer than 2 pages.

Format: Word file.

Rights: First nonexclusive rights.


Initial payment will be $0.05 CAD per word.

Poetry will be paid at $0.25 CAD per word, up to 200 words, and at $0.10 CAD beyond that. Poetry submissions of more than 500 words may be treated as prose (either in sum, or after 500 words, based on overall length).

All writers will receive a digital copy of the anthology; if it is published in print, writers will also receive 2 print copies.

Writers will receive additional payment based on profits made by anthology sales 1 year and 2 years after publication, with an equal share of profits to each contributor.

Due date: November 8th, 2024

Expected Timeline: Selections should be finalized (and authors informed of any conditions on acceptance) by January 1st, 2025. Editing and proofreading is expected to continue from January 1st to March 15th, 2025, though this timeline may change as needed (everyone will be kept up to date on any changes).

Questions: Submitted via email to

Submission: Via email to (this email will not be monitored as often as, and so I encourage questions to be directed there)


Acceptance and Rejection will be decided after submissions have been received and will be communicated to authors within 2 months.

Submissions may be accepted with minor revisions, major revisions, or no revisions.

Ethics declaration/ considerations:

This anthology is being produced as a part of my PhD dissertation. As such, the stories submitted to this anthology may be discussed in my academic work, and I will be writing about the process of working with the authors and publishing the anthology – though I will be anonymizing any details mentioned and will mostly be discussing my own experience of the process. If you are uncomfortable with any specific details being shared in this process or are uncomfortable with your contribution being discussed at all, that can be discussed during submission, and I will make sure to exclude those details from any published research work.

Additionally, as a student, funds are limited. As such, the initial payment is lower than the standard rate for publications. To address this, first, any profits made by sales of the anthology will be shared with contributors; second, if I receive art grants allowing more funds for the project, I will increase initial payments.